Friday 22 April 2016

Master and Commander

1. Explain two ways the characters and/or events in the extract fit the action adventure genre. [10]

The first shot is of the main character, Captain Jack Aubrey. All the crew look to him for the order; showing that he is the leader. As he refuses to surrender his ship, resulting in a battle, he appears brave and daring to the audience. He then wins, thanks to his crew, making him a hero for making the call.

The French ship threatens Captain Aubrey which results in a short battle. Due to the weapons; gun barrels there are a lot of explosions and everything is covered in smoke and is a haze. The French ship is clearly defeated as the audience hear screams and see some people fall into the water as their main sail falls into the sea, confirming their defeat.

2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effects that fit the action adventure genre:
mise-en-scène. [20]

at the start of this clip there is non-diegetic sound, in the form of music, to add dramatic tension for the upcoming battle. music can be used to add emotions of characters, moods and atmosphere to the scene. diegetic sound is always used as the audience can see the characters talking on screen and can hear the cannons shots. as there is a lot of shouting when the captain rwefuses to surrender to the ship the crew begin shouting to prepare for battle, the constant shouting continues throughout the rest of the scene, this is called sound bridge.

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