Friday 22 April 2016

Master and Commander

1. Explain two ways the characters and/or events in the extract fit the action adventure genre. [10]

The first shot is of the main character, Captain Jack Aubrey. All the crew look to him for the order; showing that he is the leader. As he refuses to surrender his ship, resulting in a battle, he appears brave and daring to the audience. He then wins, thanks to his crew, making him a hero for making the call.

The French ship threatens Captain Aubrey which results in a short battle. Due to the weapons; gun barrels there are a lot of explosions and everything is covered in smoke and is a haze. The French ship is clearly defeated as the audience hear screams and see some people fall into the water as their main sail falls into the sea, confirming their defeat.

2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effects that fit the action adventure genre:
mise-en-scène. [20]

at the start of this clip there is non-diegetic sound, in the form of music, to add dramatic tension for the upcoming battle. music can be used to add emotions of characters, moods and atmosphere to the scene. diegetic sound is always used as the audience can see the characters talking on screen and can hear the cannons shots. as there is a lot of shouting when the captain rwefuses to surrender to the ship the crew begin shouting to prepare for battle, the constant shouting continues throughout the rest of the scene, this is called sound bridge.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Hurt Locker

Q 1. Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre.

Use examples from the extract. [10 marks]

There is a time pressure situation, which is obvious due to the constant shouting and everyone talking over each other. The audience can clearly tell from the tone of the actors’ voices that they're frightened and nervous. This causes a tension filled scene. There is a translation barrier which can also add more tension because the man who has a bomb strapped to him is terrified. The audience can connect as they know that how the man is reacting to the situation is how they would.

There is a build up to when the bomb actually explodes. The film is based on war which fits the action genre. It is easy to tell it is war because the audience would be familiar with the army uniform used. As the situation develops the tension builds as the main character starts to put on the bomb diffusing suit. The audience can start to tell that it won’t end well. The scene continues to develop with heavy gear like bolt cutters being used. Then the bomb explodes which is a large part to action, there is a loud bang and the audience sees the impact of the explosion, then the scene ends with complete silence.

Q2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effects:
mise en scene
Use examples from the extract. [30 marks]

In the scene there is diegetic sound from the main character as it then focuses on him and makes him a larger presence than the rest so the audience know he is important. All characters have diegetic sound so that we can see their reactions to the situation. There is also a lot of non-diegetic sound as there is a lot of shouting from multiple characters at the same time. due to the overall view looking like a documentary or a point of view from others there is a sound bridge as the group of army soldiers are nowhere near the man with the bomb. The film is very realistic so there is synchronous sound so there are no unexpected sounds.

Editing is key to this scene as there is a lot going on so it is fast paced as it reflects the thoughts of the characters who are frightened and under time pressure. As the film feels quite natural the editing is the typical continuity style so uses cut editing. The soldiers talk to one another so there is a shot reverse shot for some conversations so the audience know who is talking. Action films use cross-cutting, especially to build suspense, which the scene needs.  At the start of the scene a jump cut is used to show the whole scene of the man walking towards them, and sets the scene.

The idea of the film is army based so the characters are all in army uniform; it is sand coloured and pale greens as it blends with the background as it should in the army as they don’t want to appear a target. The costumes are likely to be real uniforms for an authentic feel to the film. To help give the view of a realistic life of one solider, the main character William James, there is also actual army gear like the trucks that carry multiple soldiers to destinations, the disusing suit the main character puts on. the realistic situation of an army officer in Baghdad there is a bomb threat, so the man has a bomb vest around him that James has to cut through, it might connect to the title as the vest is covered in locks that he has to break. The lighting in this scene is very natural as it was likely shot in in the Middle East to get an authentic setting for the film. So there are shadows and the light causes lens flare, which is very common in films as it makes them appear more realistic helping with the continuity as they don’t have to create it.

As the film feels almost like a documentary almost all of the shots are hand-held as it makes the audience feel involved in the action. tracking and Ariel of James is used whilst he walks toward the man with a bomb strapped to him so that the audience can see the high pressure situation and feel the comfort of being an onlooker from a distance rather than walking with him. Ariel is used again probably on a crane as an establishing shot at the start as the film tracks days of being at different camps or areas so zooms out so that the audience can see a full view of the scene. In all conversations, the soldiers talking and James trying to save the man, there is a use of shallow focus so that the characters talking are clear and the main focus to the audience. canted angles are used to show the uneasiness of the situation and also help show the full view of people at different heights e.g. James standing telling the man, on his knees, to put his hands behind his head. dolly zoom is used a lot to zoom in a characters faces to show their reactions to this situation as the translator and James sympathise for the man and the officer in charge tries to tell James to give up as he is 'a dead man' due to the time pressure.

Q 3. Discuss the ways in which people are represented in the extract.

Refer to stereotypes in your answer.
Use examples from the extract. [20 marks] 

The whole film is a stereotype as to what the audience think goes on in Iraq, For example the clip has a bomb threat by a suicide bomber. The film focuses on James falling into multiple booby traps made by the insurgents. Audiences would prefer to see this as it fits with their expectetions, although it is actual things that happen the film has more than what would be normal for the average soldier. the excessive amount of situations could ten make him seem even more of a hero as he goes above and beyond what is expected.   

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Edge Of Tomorrow

Q 1. Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre.
Use examples from the extract. [10 marks]

The film fits the conventions of action adventure by a battle of good and evil. It focuses in on the protagonist, William cage, so that the audience can easily tell he is the good character. The antagonists are aliens whom the protagonist fights off; using guns which dramatically make them explode. This is a convention by using large weapons e.g. the mental armed suit and the dramatic fall back when hit, everything is exaggerated.

Another way it fits the typical conventions of the action adventure genre is it relies on the action sequences to build the action aspect as these have a variety of camera shots e.g. close up and there’s loud sound effects to emphasise guns, death and crashing of the ships.

Q2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effects:
mise en scene
Use examples from the extract. [30 marks]

In the clip we looked at there is an establishing shot of hundreds of ships travelling to the battlefield. this shot creates the setting so that the audience can follow the story-line, it introduces that there will now be a lot of action. Dolly zoom is then used for the audience to see the main protagonist's, William Cage, facial reaction to his current situation. It passes the extras on the ship to focus in on Cage's face and shows the expression on it. The audience and Cage are the only ones who know the ship is about to explode so the tension starts to build and the intense view of his face helps the audience connect.  afterward there is a brief glimpse at Cage's futuristic controls for his armor, this is a point of view shot as it is pointing downward to what his is looking at. The audience can connect with Cage from that. Due to all the action that now occurs to simulate the ground shaking from explosions and crashing ships the camera is now hand held so shakes, this creates a more realistic view of what the audience would actually go through is they were in this situation. It makes the film seem more realistic and intensifies the battle as they can feel/see the reaction of an explosion. Tracking and medium shots are used so that the audience are still focused on the protagonist but can also see the action in the background, it helps to let the audience view it all.

Editing in action sequences is key as it has to be fast paced so that the audience are always interested and can stay stimulated. There is a shift with continuity and non-continuity as when Cage wakes up he brings the story back to the start using a jump cut. he does develop and move it on still as each time he knows what to do so there is still continuity. Continuity brings the story forward, we follow them into battle and  explore it with Cage. Each time he dies we get to learn what went wrong and how he will change it. CGI is a large part of this film as it is action adventure and sci-fi which means its important. The antagonist is the aliens, which the audience are believed to think are the the enemy.

Q 3. Discuss the ways in which people are represented in the extract.

Refer to stereotypes in your answer.
Use examples from the extract. [20 marks]

The main character, William cage, develops from being terrified and unsure of what is happening to slowly saving multiple lives and helping to save the whole world. This is because of the alien blood, he goes back to the start and can learn about what went wrong and how to prevent it. Eventually he meets the female character, Rita, who was seen as propaganda on the side of a bus when Cage woke up. This shows that the war is equal in how it treats both genders and would appeal to females. We then meet her multiple times as Cage saves her life. Women in action adventure films can vary in their stereotype, as in war films they appear strong and equal but they are usually a love interest too. So despite their independent nature they end up relying on the male protagonist.

Cage also develops because he builds a relationship with the roommates we meets, so rather than the original joke on the ship of there being a ‘dead man’ in his suit everyone likes him as he protected their card game. He earned their friendship.

The male protagonist may have been scared at first but then all a sudden when he panics he manages to find a button which blows up the alien just in time, this then causes his to relive, but after that he becomes an action packed man that saves lives, kills multiple aliens, finds the girls and possibly save the world.